In an earlier post I listed the sign I made for
my wedding. Below you'll find a few more options that I've been working on....

Cost is $35.
Date blocked out on this one for privacy reasons. :) The lettering on this one is purple.

Cost is $35.
Gift and dessert table signs:
Gift table sign, $8. Dessert table, $12. The dessert table can read "dessert", "candy", or "cake". My fiance and I have been discussing having a traditional Italian cannoli dessert at our reception, which in that case, you better believe I'll be highlighting those little bad boys with a sign!

The image below is just a draft, but I want someone to order it cause I love it! It's is a bit more vintage/retro. The bottom phrase can be changed to whatever saying you want, especially if you're using something as a theme throughout your wedding.